What's up? I'm Zeus and this is my web page. Here's a quick preview of what you can find here. Words of Wisdom is just a few quotes that I've picked up over the years. Lyrics is exactly what it says. Lyrics to songs. Don't ask why it's split up into 2 different pages. It's a long story and that was the only way I could fix my problem. Blonde jokes should be pretty obvious. Please understand that they are not how I feel, just something to laugh at. Dope links are some great webpages that I've found while exploring the web. All of the scrolling quotes at the bottom of the page are from a comic book titled Groo. Buy it whenever you see it, because it is one of the funniest things ever made. I seriously hope that you're not using netscape, because those quotes won't be scrolling and probably looks real dumb. Look people, the guestbook isn't here for decoration so sign it and tell me what you think of my page, ok?